Author: Adv Hemant More

  • Hanafi School of Muslim Law

    Hanafi School of Muslim Law

    The Prophet himself prohibited writing and preserving of his words and traditions. There were some questions where the Quran does […]

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  • Schools of Muslim Law

    Schools of Muslim Law

    After the death of the Prophet in 632, his followers subsequently built an empire that would stretch from Central Asia […]

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  • Sects in Islam

    Sects in Islam

    The Prophet Mohammed unveiled a new faith to the people of Mecca in 610. Known as Islam, or submission to […]

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  • Marriage and its Kinds

    Marriage and its Kinds

    Marriage is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man and a woman. It acts as a social and legal […]

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  • Kinds of Families

    Kinds of Families

    Family is the most enduring group, which has tremendous influence on the life of an individual, from birth until death. […]

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  • Characteristics of Family

    Characteristics of Family

    Family is one of the most important social institutions. It is the most pervasive and universal social institution and is […]

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  • The Concept of Family

    The Concept of Family

    Famous Greek Philosopher Aristotle opines that Man is a social animal. He never lives alone. He begins his day as […]

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