Author: Adv Hemant More

  • Right to Education (Article 21A)

    Right to Education (Article 21A)

    Law and You > Constitutional Law > Right to Education (Article 21A) A nation cannot flourish unless its population is […]

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  • Freedom of Speech and Expression

    Freedom of Speech and Expression

    Law and You > Constitutional Law > Freedom of Speech and Expression Through the ages, man has expressed his ideas […]

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  • Right to Strike

    Law and You > Constitutional Law > Right to Strike A strike is a powerful weapon used by trade unions […]

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  • Freedom of Press Under Indian Constitution

    Freedom of Press Under Indian Constitution

    Law and You > Constitutional Law > Freedom of Press Under Indian Constitution Through the ages, man has expressed his […]

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  • Caste as a Divisive Factor

    Caste as a Divisive Factor

    The term โ€˜casteโ€™ is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese word โ€œcastaโ€, meaning โ€œlineageโ€ or โ€œraceโ€ or โ€œa group having […]

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  • Duties and Rights of Partners

    The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 contains provisions that govern the relation of partners to one another. The partners of a […]

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  • Law and Social Changes

    Law and Social Changes

    โ€˜Lawโ€™ signifies a rule applied indiscriminately to all actions. The term โ€œLawโ€™ denotes different kinds of rules and Principles. โ€˜Lawโ€™ […]

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  • Gender Inequality in India

    Gender Inequality in India

    The terms โ€˜biologicalโ€™, โ€˜chromosomesโ€™, โ€˜hormonesโ€™, and โ€˜physiologicalโ€™ point to the internal human body, while the terms โ€˜sociologicalโ€™, โ€˜cultureโ€™, โ€˜psychologicalโ€™, and […]

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  • Registration of Partnership Firm

    Registration of Partnership Firm

    The Act does not make the registration of partnership firms compulsory in India nor does the Act impose any penalties […]

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  • Dissolution of Partnership Firm

    Dissolution of Partnership Firm

    When the partnership between all the partners of a firm is dissolved, then it is called dissolution of a firm. […]

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