Law and You > Constitutional Law
- Historical Evolution of the Constitution of India
- Sources of Constitution of India
- The Constituent Assembly of India
- Constitution and Constitutionalism
- Constitutionalism in India
- Salient Features of the Constitution of India
- The Preamble of the Constitution of India
- What is Federalism?
- Federalism in Australia, Canada, the US and India
- Quasi-Federalism in India
- Cooperative and Competitive Federalism
- Success of Federalism in India
- Forms of Government
Part I The Union and its Territory
Part II Citizenship
- Concept of Domicile, Nationality, and Citizenship
- Citizenship Under the Constitution (Articles 5 to 11)
- Acquisition and Termination of Indian Citizenship
Part III Fundamental Rights
- Fundamental Rights
- Ambit of the Definition of the word โStateโ (Article 12)
- Constitutionality of Law (Article 13)
- Doctrine of Eclipse
- Doctrine of Severability
- Doctrine of Waiver
- Judicial Review
Right to Equality:
- Equality Before Law (Article 14)
- Provisions Against Discrimination (Article 15)
- Gender Inequality in India
- National Commission for Women
- Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment (Article 16)
- Abolition of Untouchability (Article 17)
- Article 18
Right to Freedom:
- Freedom of Speech and Expression (Article 19(1)(a)
- Freedom of Press Under Indian Constitution
- Right to Strike
- Right to Education (Article 21A)
- Right to Education Act, 2009
- Commercialization of Education
Right to Religion:
- Freedom of Conscience and Free Profession, Practice and Propagation of Religion (Article 25)
- Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs (Article 26)
- Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion (Article 27)
- Religion as Divisive Factor
- Caste as Divisive Factor
- Secularism
Cultural and Educational Rights
- Educational Institutions Managed by Minorities (Art. 29 and 30)
- T.M.A Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka
- Language as Divisive Factor
Part IV The Union Judiciary
- Appointment of Supreme Court Judge (Articles 124 to 130)
- Jurisdiction and Powers of Supreme Court (Articles 131 to 144)
- Independency of Judiciary
Part V Chapter II Parliament
- Unicameral and Bicameral Legislatures
- Rajya Sabha: The Council of States
- Lok Sabha: The House of People
- Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
- Speaker of Lok Sabha
- Privileges and Immunities of Members of Parliament
Part IX The Panchayats
- Grassroot Democracy in India: Panchayati Raj Institutions (Article 243)
- Grassroot Democracy in India: Urban Local Bodies (Article 243)
Part X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Part XI Relations Between The Union And The States
Chapter I: Legislative Relations
- Legislative Relations Between Centre and State (Article 245-255)
- Administrative Relations Between Centre and State (Article 256-263)
- Inter-State Council (Article 263)
- Types of Central Government Fund (Art. 266 and 267)
- Finance Commission of India (Article 280)
Part XV Elections
- National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) (Art. 338)
- National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) (Art. 338A)
- National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) (Art. 338B)
Part XVIII Emergency Provisions