Motive, Preparation and Previous or Subsequent Conduct (S. 6 BSA)

Law and You >Procedural Laws > Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 > Part II > Motive, Preparation and Previous or Subsequent Conduct (S. 6 BSA)

Facts and proof are the two things that combine to form evidence, which the court may or may not accept as showing the merit or otherwise of a partyโ€™s case. Where the court believes the facts shown by a party in any proceeding exist or when it is convinced that a reasonable person would see them as existing, the fact is said to be proved. If the court is not satisfied that those facts exist or is convinced that a reasonable person would not see them as existing, the fact is said to be โ€œdisprovedโ€. Thus โ€˜Factsโ€™ are important in any case. In last article we have discussed โ€˜Facts in Issueโ€™. In this article let us discuss Section 6 of the The conduct of the party before or after the transaction is also very relevant as circumstantial evidence. about facts showing or constituting motive, preparation and previous or subsequent conduct.

ยญAccording to Section 2(f) of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023, โ€˜Factโ€™ means and includes:

  1. anything, state of things, or relation of things, capable of being perceived by the senses;
  2. any mental condition of which any person is conscious.

According to Section 2(k) of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023, one fact is said to be relevant to another when the one is connected with the other in any of the ways referred to in the provisions of this Act relating to the relevancy of facts.ย โ€ The said provisions are contained in sections 4 to 50 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023.

Where in a case direct evidence is not available to prove a fact in issue then it may be proved by any circumstantial evidence and in such a case every piece of circumstantial evidence would be an instance of a โ€œrelevant factโ€.

The relevant facts are different from the facts at issue. These are facts that are not in dispute/issue, but they are related to facts that are in dispute/issue. But the connection must be real or logical. In other words, not all connections make the facts meaningful. To be relevant, the facts in question must be logically connected to the facts at issue.

Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 deals with the relevancy of motive, preparation, previous conduct (conduct of accused before the commission of offence) and subsequent conduct (conduct of accused after the commission of offence).

preparation and previous or subsequent conduct

According to Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 any fact is relevant which shows or constitutes a motive or preparation for any fact in issue or relevant fact. The conduct of any party, or of any agent to any party, to any suit or proceeding, in reference to such suit or proceeding, or in reference to a fact in issue therein or relevant thereto, and the conduct of any person an offence against whom is the subject of any proceeding, is relevant, if such conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact, and whether it was previous or subsequent thereto.

  • Explanation 1: The word โ€œconductโ€ in this section does not include statements, unless those statements accompany and explain acts other than statements, but this explanation is not to affect the relevancy of statements under any other section of this Act.
  • Explanation 2: When the conduct of any person is relevant, any statement made to him or in his presence and hearing, which affects such conduct, is relevant. Motive Facts which show a motive for any facts in issue or relevant facts are relevant. The only condition is that the motive considered should be of the man who commits the crime.

(a) A is tried for the murder of B. The facts that A murdered C, that B knew that A had murdered C, and that B had tried to extort money from A by threatening to make his knowledge public, are relevant.

(b) A sues B upon a bond for the payment of money. B denies the making of the bond. The fact that, at the time when the bond was alleged to be made, B required money for a particular purpose, is relevant.

(c) A is tried for the murder of B by poison. The fact that, before the death of B, A procured poison similar to that which was administered to B, is relevant.

(d) The question is, whether a certain document is the will of A. The facts that, not long before, the date of the alleged will, A made inquiry into matters to which the provisions of the alleged will relate; that he consulted advocates in reference to making the will, and that he caused drafts of other wills to be prepared, of which he did not approve, are relevant.

(e) A is accused of a crime. The facts that, either before, or at the time of, or after the alleged crime, A provided evidence which would tend to give to the facts of the case an appearance favourable to himself, or that he destroyed or concealed evidence, or prevented the presence or procured the absence of persons who might have been witnesses, or suborned persons to give false evidence respecting it, are relevant.

(f) The question is, whether A robbed B. The facts that, after B was robbed, C said in Aโ€™s presenceโ€” โ€œthe police are coming to look for the person who robbed Bโ€, and that immediately afterwards A ran away, are relevant.

(g) The question is, whether A owes B ten thousand rupees. The facts that A asked C to lend him money, and that D said to C in Aโ€™s presence and hearingโ€”โ€œI advise you not to trust A, for he owes B ten thousand rupeesโ€, and that A went away without making any answer, are relevant facts.

(h) The question is, whether A committed a crime. The fact that A absconded, after receiving a letter, warning A that inquiry was being made for the criminal, and the contents of the letter, are relevant.

(i) A is accused of a crime. The facts that, after the commission of the alleged crime, A absconded, or was in possession of property or the proceeds of property acquired by the crime, or attempted to conceal things which were or might have been used in committing it, are relevant.

(j) The question is, whether A was raped. The fact that, shortly after the alleged rape, A made a complaint relating to the crime, the circumstances under which, and the terms in which, the complaint was made, are relevant. The fact that, without making a complaint, A said that A had been raped is not relevant as conduct under this section, though it may be relevant as a dying declaration under clause (a) of section 26, or as corroborative evidence under section 160.

(k) The question is, whether A was robbed. The fact that, soon after the alleged robbery, A made a complaint relating to the offence, the circumstances under which, and the terms in which, the complaint was made, are relevant. The fact that A said he had been robbed, without making any complaint, is not relevant, as conduct under this section, though it may be relevant as a dying declaration under clause (a) of section 26, or as corroborative evidence under section 160.

Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 deals with:

  • A fact which shows or constituents a motive for any fact in issue or relevant fact is relevant.
  • A fact which constituents or shows preparation of any fact in issue or relevant fact is relevant.
  • Previous or subsequent conduct of any party or of any agent to any party to any suit or proceedings, in reference to such suit or proceedings, or in reference to any fact in issue or relevant fact, are relevant provided such conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact.
  • Previous or subsequent conduct of any person an offence against whom is subject of any proceedings or suit is relevant provided such conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact.
  • Statements accompanying and explaining acts
  • Statements made in presence and hearing of a person whose conduct is relevant provided the statement affects such conducts.

Statements of a party to a proceeding accompanying and explaining the acts shall be relevant only if explains the conduct of the parties. Further, such statement must amount to a complaint to be considered as admissible or relevant. Such a complaint must be voluntary and not an answer to a question.

Statements affecting the conduct of a party to a proceeding shall be relevant. These statements should be put before a court in the presence of the party. For example, A kills B. C shouts stating that the police is coming to arrest the murderer. A absconds. This would make Cโ€™s statement relevant.

A motive is an emotion or desire which is the stimulus which causes or leads to such acts. Motive cannot be seen by eyes. If such motive is brought before the Court, and there is no direct evidence of the same, it has to be inferred by the court. Further, if such motive is proved, its adequacy shall be decided upon by the Court (there is no standard rule for adequacy). Absence of proving motive completely by the prosecution will lead to the accused not being convicted.

Understanding the motive behind a crime can be valuable for investigators, prosecutors, and the legal system in general. However, itโ€™s important to note that the presence of a motive does not necessarily prove guilt, and the absence of a clear motive does not mean a person is innocent. Legal systems typically require evidence of the criminal act and the mental state of the accused to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

According to illustration (a) attached to Section 5 BSA, A has committed a murder of which B has knowledge and B tries to extort money from A by threatening to make his knowledge public. A in consequence kills B also. Bโ€™s Knowledge of Aโ€™s earlier murder and threatening him are relevant to show the motive on the part of A for killing B.

  • Example 1: When A is pregnant, her husband B dies in an accident. She delivers a child C. The child C becomes legal heir of property of B. D the brother of B administers some medicine to A which results in miscarriage of A. Here Cโ€™s motive is to grab entire property of B.

In Chandra Prakash Shahi v. state of U. P., AIR 2000 SC 1706 case, the Supreme Court observed: โ€œMotive is exertion of human will and, hence an โ€˜internal actโ€™. Motive by definition, โ€˜is moving power which impels action for definite result, or to put it differently motive is that which incites or stimulates a person to do an actโ€™.

In, Rajendra Kumar v. State of Punjab AIR 1966 SC 1322 case, the Court held that the accused can only be convicted if the prosecution completely proves the motive and provide the supporting evidence to establish the commission of the offence by the accused.

In State of Punjab v. Bittu AIR 2016 SC146 case, the Supreme Court observed that the proof of motive alone cannot be sufficient to convict the accused as it is not substantive evidence but only corroborative in nature.

In R v Palmer, May 14 to May 26, 1856. George Hebert, 89 Cheapside, London ย case, the accused borrowed large sums of money from his deceased friend to pay his dues. The deceased died because of poisoning in a hotel, after coming back from a race they both attended. Since the accused had a strong motive to kill him, he was held liable. If a certain motive can be assigned, its adequacy is not questioned, only its existence is enough to prove concerned facts.

In Murarilal Sharma v State of Maharashtra, AIR 1997 SC 1593 case, the Court held that where a fact can strongly link accused to the fact in issue, motive plays a secondary role. And while, when considering circumstantial evidence, evidence of motive plays the fundamental role.

Inย ย  State of MP v. D. Kumar, 5 November, 1996 Munnibai was killed. Kumar was the tenant of the house of Munnibaiโ€™s father-in-law who had an evil eye on her. Munnibai told her mother-in-law who told her husband. The father in law asked Kumar to vacate the house. The Supreme Court held it as motive for the murder.

In, Kundula Bala v. State of A.P, 1993 Cr LJ 1635 SC case, where the son-in-law before his marriage demanded a piece of land from the deceased. But after the marriage, the deceased refused to transfer the ownership of the property and expressed that he would give this property to his daughter. Such inferences of the father in law induced the accused in committing a crime and after some time the crime commenced. The court observed that there is a strong motive with the accused of committing the crime as the father in law refused to transfer the property in the accused name.

In, Gurmej Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1992 SC 214 case, where the deceased has won the election against the accused. It is also seen that they donโ€™t have good relations between and they have always had a quarrel with each other. The reason behind frequent quarrels was that the accused diverted dirty water stream towards the house of the deceased. The court observed that there were pending litigation between them and dirty water stream induced the frustration between them. After the death of the deceased, the Court concluded that dispute related to the passage of dirty water could be the motive of the murder.

Motive should not be confused with intention. Intention is an act of the will directing an act or a deliberate omission. It shows the nature of the act which the man believes he is doing.

  • Example: A owes Rs one lakh to B. But starts putting pressure on A after the due date for his money. A decides to kill B with a motive to get rid of the pressure of demand for money. He invites B to his house and strikes him with a sword and kills him. There was a motive behind the act and at that time, the strike with a sword was with the intention to kill. Motive is reason which prompts the intention.

Mens rea is a legal phrase used to describe the mental state of a person while doing any act, some intention is there. A mere intention to commit a crime is not punishable because it is very difficult for the prosecution to prove the guilty intention of a person and the court is also unwilling in punishing a person for mere guilty intention. In Indian criminal law also, a mere intention to commit a crime is not punishable except in following exceptional cases where the law takes notice of an intention to commit a crime as they have been considered to be the serious offences and mere preparation of it is punishable as it is to be checked or prevented at the earliest stage.

  • โ€˜Waging War against the Governmentโ€™ under Section 121 to 123 of the Indian Penal Code
  • โ€˜Seditionโ€™ under Section 124 A of Indian Penal Code,
  • A mere โ€˜Assembly of Persons for Committing the Dacoityโ€™ is punishable under Section 402 of Indian Penal Code.
  • Under section 292 of the Indian Penal Code, criminal liability can be imposed on the person dealing with selling, hiring, distributing the obscene books.
  • The persons who have been engaged in the โ€˜Criminal Conspiracyโ€™ specified under Section 120 A of Indian Penal Code shall be liable to be punished although he has not himself committed the impugned act.

In accident and negligence cases, the proof of motive is irrelevant. In cases of defamation, kidnapping, rape, murder, cheating, etc. the proof of motive becomes relevant.

Chapter IV of the Indian Penal Code deals with โ€˜General Exceptionโ€™ wherein the act which otherwise constitutes offence ceases to do so under certain circumstances set out in this chapter. This chapter provides certain circumstances under which though the person commits the act, it results in the injury but due to absence of the blameworthy mind, that act is not liable for any punishment or it is exempt from the punishment. This chapter provides the circumstances, which are nothing but the principles of the common law system. All these general exceptions are recognized the concept of mens rea in the IPC.

Difference between Intention and Motive:

Intention and motive are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings in the context of human behavior.

Intention refers to a personโ€™s purpose or the planned course of action that they have in mind. Intention refers to the specific plan or goal a person has in mind when they take an action.Motive refers to the underlying reason or driving force behind a personโ€™s actions or behaviour. Motive refers to the underlying reason or drive behind the action.
It is more forward-looking and focuses on what someone intends to do in the future.It is more retrospective and delves into the why or the reason behind a particular action or decision.
Intention is related to the desired outcome.Motive is related to the personโ€™s internal state or need.
Intention is conscious.Motives can be both conscious and subconscious.
Intention is often used in legal contexts.Motive is more often discussed in psychology or sociology.
Intention is specific and concrete. Intention can be influenced by external factors.Motive is more general and abstract. Motives is more internal and self-driven
Intention can be verbalized or communicated.Motives may not be easily verbalized or understood by others.
Intention can change over time.Motives is more stable and long-lasting.
Intention can be used to infer responsibility and liability.Motive is used to understand behaviour
Example: If someone says, โ€œI intend to start exercising regularly,โ€ their intention is to initiate a regular exercise routine.Example: If someone exercises regularly because they want to improve their overall health, the motive behind their action is the desire for better health.

The concept of โ€œpreparation for crimeโ€ refers to activities or actions taken by individuals with the intent to commit a criminal act in the future. In many legal systems, the law may consider certain preparatory actions as criminal offenses, even if the actual crime has not been committed yet. The specific activities considered as preparation for a crime can vary depending on jurisdiction and the nature of the offense, but they generally include:

  • Planning: Developing a detailed plan outlining the steps and logistics of the intended criminal act.
  • Gathering Tools or Instruments: Acquiring or possessing tools, weapons, or instruments specifically designed or adapted for the commission of the planned crime.
  • Surveillance: Monitoring and gathering information about the target, location, or potential obstacles to facilitate the commission of the crime.
  • Casing or Reconnaissance: Conducting a preliminary examination of the target area or victim to assess vulnerabilities, security measures, and potential escape routes.
  • Securing Access: Taking steps to gain unauthorized access to a location, system, or property in preparation for the commission of a crime.
  • Assembling a Team: Recruiting or organizing a group of individuals to collaborate in the execution of the criminal plan.
  • Communication: Exchanging information with co-conspirators, potential accomplices, or others involved in the criminal activity.
  • Obtaining Information: Collecting information relevant to the planned crime, such as blueprints, security codes, or other details that could aid in its execution.
  • Testing Security Measures: Conducting trial runs or tests to evaluate the effectiveness of security measures and identify potential weaknesses.

Preparation in itself is no crime, but when accompanied with an offence committed thereof, it becomes relevant. Thus, Preparation along with attempt is regarded as a crime. Preparation only evidences a design or plan to do a certain thing as planned. It may not be always carried out, but it is more or less likely to be carried out.

According to Illustration (c) to Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023, A is tried for the murder of B by poison. The fact that, before the death of B, A procured poison similar to that which was administered to B, is relevant.โ€ Here, procuring of poison is no crime but when the poison is administered to murder B, it becomes relevant.

  • Example 1: In a case of burglary the four accused held a meeting to arrange for the crime. For this a iron bar and pair of pincers were also necessary. The accused bought a iron rod and also pair of pincers. These facts were admitted by them. Thus shows their preparation for it.
  • Example 2: A and B were accused of killing C, a guest at their hotel. The night of the murder, the maids and the guard were sent away so that no one would witness the murder. The next day she was asked not to clean their room. This is relevant to show the preparation of the crime.

The law does not take cognizance, except in certain cases for which provision has been made in the Indian Penal Code itself making preparations punishable, as there is still enough time for a person to change his mind. Thus, the law doesnโ€™t punish the person unless he has passed beyond that stage of preparation.

If โ€˜Aโ€™ acquires a revolver from certified ammunition store with a license with intention to kill his bitter enemy โ€˜Bโ€™ and keeps the same in his pocket duty loaded. But he does nothing more than that. A has an intention and made preparation to carry out his intention but he has not committed the offence. At this stage, it is impossible to prove that โ€˜Aโ€™ had the loaded revolver only with the intention of killing โ€˜Bโ€™.

There are some offences, so grave that it would be of utmost importance to stop them at the stage of preparation itself. That is why such offenses are punishable even before the actual commission of the crime i.e. at the very preliminary stage i.e. mere at the preparation stage.

  • Preparation to wage war against the Government (Section 122).
  • Preparation to commit depredation on territories of power at peace with the Government of India (Section 126).
  • Making or selling instrument for Counterfeiting of Coins (Section 233 to 235 )
  • Making or selling instrument for printing Government Stamps (Section 255 and 257)
  • Possessing Counterfeit Coins, False Weight or Measurement and Forged Documents (Section 242, 243, 259, 266 and 474)
  • Preparation to commit dacoity (Section 399).

Mere possession of these things is a crime and a possessor canโ€™t plead that he was still at the stage of preparation.

In cases where the offence is attempted or actually committed, evidence of preparation on the part of accused clearly establishes the requisite mens rea. Though preparation itself is not punishable and is irrelevant if the offence is not attempted or committed, preparation is proof of premeditation where the offence is committed or attempted. Thus, preparation is a proof of motive, and also help repel contention that the act was โ€˜accidentalโ€™ and not โ€˜intentionalโ€™ within the meaning of Section 15.

In, Mohan Lal v. Emperor, AIR 1937 Sind 293 case, where the accused was charged for cheating as he was importing goods in Karachi port from Okha port without paying the proper custom duty as he made some arrangements with the customs department. The prosecution showed enough evidence to prove the preparation by the accused in avoiding the import duties. The Court held that the act by the accused was completely wrongful and are prohibited by the law hence the accused is liable for preparation.

In, Appu v. State, AIR 1971 Mad 194 case, where the four accused arranged a meeting to make essentials arrangements for commencing crime. Certain facts related to the objective of the scheduled meeting were admitted which showed preparation on their part. The preparation was administered clearly that it is an intention to commit burglary and the accused were waiting for the right time to get the best opportunity to execute their preparation.

Guilty mind begets guilty conduct. Conduct is taken as evidence because it is always guided, before or after, by what one has done. The conduct should be such which is affected by the facts or affects the facts. It doesnโ€™t include statements until these statements are associated with conduct.

The term โ€œconduct โ€ refers to the behavior and actions of individuals involved in criminal activities. It encompasses a range of actions, motivations, and circumstances related to the commission of a crime. Here are some key aspects of conduct in the context of a criminal act:

  • Actus Reus: In criminal law, conduct is often a crucial element in establishing guilt. The term โ€œactus reusโ€ refers to the physical act or conduct that constitutes the criminal offense. It is the external behaviour or actions that are prohibited by law.
  • Intent (Mens Rea): Alongside the physical act, criminal liability often requires proving a guilty state of mind or intent (mens rea). The conduct, coupled with the requisite mental state, forms the basis for criminal charges.
  • Culpability: The degree of an individualโ€™s involvement or responsibility in the criminal act is a key consideration. Different individuals may have varying levels of culpability based on their roles in the offense.
  • Accomplice or Accessories: Conduct may involve individuals who are accomplices or accessories to a crime. These are individuals who, in various degrees, aid, abet, or participate in the commission of a criminal act.
  • Conspiracy: Conduct in the form of an agreement or conspiracy to commit a crime is also a criminal offense. The planning and coordination of criminal activities among multiple individuals can lead to charges even before the actual crime is committed.
  • Attempt: Conduct that falls short of completing a crime but demonstrates a substantial step toward its commission can be charged as attempted criminal conduct. Attempted conduct is often considered a separate offense.
  • Recklessness or Negligence: Conduct may be considered criminal if it involves recklessness or negligence. Reckless conduct refers to consciously disregarding a substantial risk, while negligent conduct involves a failure to exercise reasonable care.
  • Defences: Conduct may be subject to legal defences, such as self-defence, necessity, or duress, depending on the circumstances. These defences may justify or excuse the conduct under certain conditions.
  • Criminal Elements: Each criminal offense has specific elements that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Conduct is a fundamental aspect of these elements and must be established during legal proceedings.
  • Punishment and Sentencing: The nature and severity of the conduct often influence the sentencing or punishment imposed by the legal system. Courts consider factors such as the gravity of the offense, the degree of harm caused, and the individualโ€™s criminal history.

Thus, conduct in a criminal act encompasses the actions, intentions, and responsibilities of individuals involved in the commission of a crime. It is a fundamental aspect of criminal law, and legal systems evaluate various factors related to conduct when determining guilt, culpability, and appropriate penalties. Facts constituting the Conduct are also relevant under Section 6 BSA.

It should be noted that the conduct of the party alone is admissible. The conduct of a person who is not a party to the suit or proceeding is not admissible. The conduct of a man is admissible only against him. The conduct of one accused is not admissible nor relevant against another co-accused.

The conduct of the party before or after the transaction is also very relevant as circumstantial evidence. To be relevant under S. 6, conduct must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. The conduct must be of any party to any suit or proceeding, or of any agent to any party to any suit or proceeding, or of any person an offence against whom is the subject of any proceeding.
  2. The conduct must be in reference to such suit or proceeding, or any fact in issue in such suit or proceeding, or a fact relevant to any fact in issue in such suit or proceeding.
  3. The conduct must influence any fact in issue or relevant fact or be influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact.
  4. The conduct may be previous conduct, or concurrent conduct, or subsequent conduct. Thus, A conduct to be relevant under section 6 need not be contemporaneous. It may be antecedent or subsequent to the fact in issue or relevant fact, the conduct on an accused is relevant under section 6.
  • Example 1: A is accused of a crime. The facts, either before or at the time of, or after the alleged crime, A provided evidence which would tend to give to the facts of the case an appearance favourable to himself, on that he destroyed or concealed evidence, or prevented the presence or procured the absence of persons who might have been witnesses, or suborned persons to give false evidence respecting it, are relevant.
  • Example 2: A is accused of a crime. The facts that, after the commission of the alleged crime, he absconded or was in possession of property or the proceeds of property acquired by the crime, or attempted to conceal things which were or might have been used in committing it, are relevant.
  • Example 3: S is suspected of having poisoned T. He tried in every way to prevent the body of T from being medically examined. This conduct of S in preventing the medical examination of the body of T is relevant.

In Queen-Empress v Abdullah, (1885) 7 All 385 case, Abdullah had murdered a prostitute, aged between 15 and 20 years. He had slit her throat with a razor but the girl helped identify him by her conduct which was her hand gestures agreeing to questions asked. The defendant pleaded that this amounted to a statement, but the learned judge held it to be subsequent conduct and prosecuted Abdullah for her murder.

In, Bhamara v. State of M.P., AIR 1953 Bhopal 1 case, where a person X was farming on his land, on seeing another person standing near to his place he called the person for some conversation. After a few moments, the conversation turned into arguments and ended up into a fight. On seeing such activity other people came to the place of incident to stop the fight but subsequently, the offender tried escaping. But the offender was caught by some other person. The Court found that the conduct of escaping of the offender was relevant subsequent conduct.

In, Nagesha v. State of Bihar, AIR, 1996 SC119 case, it was held by the Court if the first information is given by the accused himself, the fact of his giving information is admissible against him as evidence of his conduct.

According to explanation attached to Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023, statements may be classified into two categories.

  1. Mere statements, which do not do anything more than giving information of or narrating a fact.
  2. Statements which are themselves an act.

Statements falling under the second category are relevant as conduct, inasmuch as they are themselves acts. As to the first category of the statements, Explanation 1 to Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 provides that they are not relevant except under the following two circumstances:

  1. The statement accompanies and explains acts other than statements.
  2. The statement is relevant under any other section of this Act.

The statements do not stand alone but they either accompany or influence the conduct and hence must be contemporaneous to conduct.

Section 6 of the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 deals with the relevancy of motive, preparation, previous conduct and subsequent conduct. Motive is exertion of human will and, hence an โ€˜internal actโ€™. Motive by definition, โ€˜is moving power which impels action for definite result, or to put it differently motive is that which incites or stimulates a person to do an act. Though preparation itself is not punishable and is irrelevant if the offence is not attempted or committed, preparation is proof of premeditation where the offence is committed or attempted. Preparation is a proof of motive. The conduct of the party before or after the transaction is also very relevant as circumstantial evidence.

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